Thursday, August 8, 2013

Oh what a night!

Al, JV, and I got to The Basement around 4:00. Parking was extremely tight!  Mitch, Kimsie, and Patti and their friends met us there. Somebody let us in and they started unloading Al's truck and setting up. There were a few glitches ( I think with cables) but it all got taken care of! Rich and Evan walked in as they were setting up. Luckily I had stalked their fb/LinkedIn info and recognized who they were. They said hello and went back outside while they finished setting up. Others there were John S.. Mike B (from lunch), April who we met last wkend in Auburn, Don VanCleave and his asst, Hampton, and lots of others I did not meet. Some were from John's office.
Carolyn and Thomas Stacey, Jennifer, Aly, Kate, and Josie, and Kerrie and Annagrace Weldon were there, too.

After talking to their new fans and packing up the equipment, we went to dinner at City House- JV, Al, Rich, Evan, Mitch, John, and I. Basically we came away knowing that both of the guys are interested in JV and will continue talking. Evan did ask me if they have passports.... I asked if we were going on a trip.:)

John said we will meet with Don tomorrow.

After leaving,  we went to our new hotel, the Opryland Hotel. Once in the parking lot it was QUITE the adventure. We mistakenly asked a security guy to help us find our room. Well as he was dragging us alll around that huge place, he told us he'd only worked there for 3 weeks. We had luggage AND music equipment. Finally he gave up ( he was VERY nice- just was very lost!) and called in the Cavalry in the form of our new hero, Abe the bell hop. Abe said we were REALLY far from where we should be. He got us to our rooms but Ansley and I couldn't get in. Sweet Abe tried and said you can tell by the click that they had the deadbolt on. We called and texted to ask Aly or AG to let us in but finally had to bang on the door. A very sleepy Aly let us in. Al, Jake , and Abe headed back out to the car to get the rest of the equipment. Oh! Will left us before Abe came to help us. His mom was in a room in the area where we got lost... So after 3 tries, Will found the way to his room. We figured he was asleep by the time Abe appeared.

Tomorrow we will meet with potential mgr, Don.

We all couldn't be any more proud of our kids for how they performed tonight. They've worked so hard and it is truly amazing to see dreams come true!

OH, what a night!!!

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